How Can We Rethink Software and Hardware? [GPower V. 2.0]

Besides GPower is a new way of thinking software and hardware in terms of measuring and testing for industries, GPower also aims to challenge a market-standard, we believe up until now has been too expensive and too time-consuming.

How Do We Rethink Software and Hardware?

Based on unique solutions and specialized knowhow, we develop high-quality instruments for automation, simulation, and testing grounded in the ideal to constantly push the standards in our field and to make our quality instruments available for small and medium-sized businesses also.

Our vision is to develop faster, better, and more affordable solutions than ever seen before. Whether it is a matter of simulating large machines or potential prototypes, quality testing of products, or automation of one or several industrial working procedures.

The Right Foundation to Build On

Founder Steen Secher Schmidt started GPower in the autumn of 2012 with the goal to change the approach he believed to be the business-standard. From his viewpoint, the market was defined by a motivation to bill as many man-hours as possible instead of providing clients with high-quality solutions at a reasonable price. Steen made his ambition reality by developing a modular software-foundation that is easily adjustable and customizable for various needs.

“The trend so far seems to have been that clients don’t see much progress despite steep prices. So far, elements used in ‘Project A’ and ‘Project B’ have not been utilized in projects ‘C’, ‘D’, or ‘E’. Instead, software is developed from scratch every time. This is expensive, time-consuming, and a client rarely ends up with his needs met. That is why we have built a modular basis-software that can be adjusted to each specific task enabling us to provide better, faster, and more affordable solutions for our clients.” – Steen Secher Schmidt, founder and CTO, GPower.

GPower v. 2.0

Since 2012, we have continued to grow, and we carry out projects for small as well as large clients. Our mission is still to make high-quality instruments for automation, simulation, and testing available for as many businesses as possible, but 2017 has marked a turning point for us. Martin Boje gained the position of Chief Executive Officer at GPower, and a new strategy was formed.

“By utilizing the software, Steen has developed with his extensive and acknowledged expertise regarding LabVIEW-development, and GPower’s partnership with National Instruments (NI), the goal is to provide smart and modular standardized solutions that combine our unique software and NI’s quality hardware at reasonable prices. With GPower, clients can expect the most optimal and stabile solutions that suit their every need. From simple datalogging to large enterprise solutions – and everything in between.” – Martin Boje, CEO and co-owner, GPower.

Besides still building customized production- and industry solutions from scratch, GPower also offer standardized instruments installed with our own unique software and endless possibilities in terms of customization. The common denominator for all our instruments is the fact that we will be hands-on all the way from order to implementation, and we deliver stable and optimized hardware and software solutions regardless of the needs and industry.

A Green Privilege

Here at GPower, we have several clients and collaborators who are working passionately in terms of green-tech and green energy. We view it as a privilege and of extreme importance to be an active party in optimizing, furthering and strengthening the development of green technology and energy production.