Emil fra 8. klasse har været i erhvervspraktik hos GPower

Emil from the 8th Grade Just Finished an Internship at GPower

What does it mean to be a part of a software company? Last week, 14-year-old Emil Andersen gained insight into this question when he was an intern at GPower's headquarters in Hinnerup, Denmark.

Tasks to Solve

Since our primary tool is LabVIEW, one of our developers had, of course, prepared a few tasks that Email was going to solve by using the visual programming language.

What Is LabVIEW? [National Instruments]

In addition, another task was to build a robot of Lego. But as an intern at GPower, it was naturally not enough just to build the robot – Emil was also going to do a subsequent programming task.

The School Is Not So Bad

As a follow up question, we were, of course, interested in hearing whether it had been funnier being a part of a company rather than going to school. However, while we expected Emil to say that three days in the company of our software developers had been funnier than three days at school, the feedback was nevertheless a bit different:

“Actually, it is funnier going to school. At school, funny and random things happen all the time. Moreover, we have also shorter days than here”  – Emil Andersen, Intern at GPower. 

So, while we thought we had a fun weekday here at GPower, it can obviously not compete with a day of school 😊